Monday, November 9, 2009

Eating my way through San Francisco - Part 3

Another full day in San Francisco and we had it jam-packed!  We were up bright and early to head down to Fisherman's Wharf to catch our tour on Mr. Toad's Tours.  The tour picks up across from the Boudin Bakery's flour tower.  So while there, I stopped in at the bakery to get myself some of their tasty sourdough!  They have a demonstration going on all the time, and I had seen them make an alligator our of their bread.  So I bought myself a cute little turtle! 

He's almost too cute to eat.....but he was a tasty morsel.
Then it was off for our 3 hour "Postcard San Francisco" Tour.  I loved this tour with Mr. Toad's.  We drove in an original 1920's Yellowstone bus.  The tour took us all around San Francisco, stopping in Chinatown, where we visited a fortune cookie factory, and lot of other places along the way.  It was a great way to see the city and figure out where everything is.
After our tour, we took the famous F-line trolley to the Ferry Building for lunch at The Slanted Door.  I had read wonderful reviews of the restaurant and made it a priority to go during our trip.  They serve modern Vietnamese cuisine. It was buzzing with activity when we arrived, but we were quickly seated. It’s extremely noisy inside. The waitress came by and went over some items on the menu and explained items were served family style. We chose 1 appetizer and 2 entrees. I had some elderflower spritzers, which were lovely! I asked to make a few adjustments to one of the appetizers as I don’t eat seafood. The springrolls were supposed to be vegetarian, but we were given pork. I ate it anyway, I don’t mind pork, but I don’t love it cold. It was ok, not the best I’ve had.

 For the entrees, we had niman ranch flank steak with fresh ginger over rice noodles with roasted peanuts and grilled five-spice chicken with tamarind dipping sauce.

 The flank steak tasted as wonderful as it looked. I only wish there were more of it! The flavors were spot on – ginger and roasted peanuts. But there were 6 tiny pieces of meat to be split between us. Oh well.

 I make 5 spice chicken often at home. I have to say, mine is better. I found this to be lacking in any flavor and I would have liked it cooked a little more. And for a $60 lunch, I was expecting more! I’m glad we didn’t go for dinner!

Since we were back in our favorite spot, the Ferry Building Marketplace, of course we stopped for more goodies.  I had the most amazingly luscious chocolates at Recchiuti Confections, and at $60/pound, they had better be!  I had 2 tiny Fleur de Sel Caramels - chocolate covered caramels with sea salt. 

After my indulgence, I picked up some more French Macarons at Miette bakery.  They're good, though not as good as the ones I've had in France, but I'll take the substitute any day.  The flavors are more mild, but the texture of the macaron is perfect. 
We took our goodies and caught the next bus out to the Haight.  The Haight is a section in San Francisco filled with hippies and druggies.  Definitely a place for some people watching...or someplace to buy yourself a new bong.  I thought this was Amsterdam all over again.

We spent some time walking around here, and then picked up a bus back to our hotel.  If you can believe it, we were hungry for dinner.  We asked the concierge for a recommendation of a restaurant close to the hotel, since we were tired.  He suggested Fino

The bread here was served warm and tasty.  We ordered a cesare salad to share.  They were kind enough to split it onto two plates.  The salad was light and had just the right amount of dressing and cheese.  For dinner, I ordered Gnocchi di Patate, which is fresh basil, Romano cheese & garlic gnocchi with a Gorgonzola sauce tossed with fresh spinach.

My husband ordered a pizza.  He was not at all happy with it.  He said it was the worst pizza he's had.  Too bad, because I thoroughly enjoyed my gnocchi!  They were perfect - light and fluffy, and not at all dense.  The gorgonzola sauce was delicious.  I was pleased, my husband, not so much.  Can't win them all!

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