Friday, November 20, 2009

Huffy Puffy

You heard that right.  Huffy puffy, or otherwise known as a Dutch style pancake.  This pancake is light and fluffy and ridiculously easy to make.  Have it for a nice breakfast or dinner.

Heat your oven to 450 degrees.  Place a nonstick skillet on the middle rack and pre-heat it for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, get your ingredients ready.
You can top your huffy puffy with anything you'd like - syrup, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and sugar, etc.  I adapted the idea from Joy the Baker to make an orange sugar combination, but I used vanilla sugar.

If you go this route, zest an orange and mix it with your sugar.
Now mix the rest of your ingredients, excluding the butter. Your batter will be very thin.

You can use any flavorings you'd like.  That's part of the fun!  Try some vanilla extract and cinnamon this time, and next time try some almond extract and nutmeg.  Anything goes.  This time around, I used Penzey's Cake Spice and vanilla extract.

Once your batter is ready, get your pre-heated skillet out of the oven.   Drop your butter into the hot pan and let it sizzle! Swirl the butter around the skillet. 
Once that butter is melted, pour in your batter.  Make sure you keep that oven mitt on! Don't forget that skillet is HOT! Put the skillet back into the oven and cook for 15-25 minutes, or until nicely golden brown.

While it's cooking, sneak a peak into the oven and check out how your huffy puffy puffs!
Take it out of the oven and top it with your favorite topping.  You could try: powdered sugar and cinnamon on top, maple syrup, fresh raspberries or sliced strawberries, or sauteed apple slices.
I served this alongside some scrambled eggs.
Isn't it pretty!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this looks so good!My family loves pancakes and this will be a real treat for them.I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide our readers to your site if you won't mind.Just add your choice of foodista widget to this post and it's all set, Thanks!
