Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Love My Aerogarden

I love fresh herbs.  I wish it was sunny in Boston year round so I could plant them.  In the past, I've had good luck growing basil in little pots outside of my apartment, but once winter rolled around, forget it.  So I bought an Aerogarden.  Now we have fresh herbs year round!  I "planted" my first garden back in August and it lasted about 4 months. Well, except for the basil.  I still have that one growing away in a cup next to the garden.   I check the gargen every day to see how it's doing. In my last garden, I grew fresh basil, dill, thyme, oregano, and mint.  Currently, I'm growing cilantro, mint, oregano, marjoram, chives and parsley.  The cilantro really took off!
Fresh herbs make all the difference in cooking.  Making some pasta?  Throw in some fresh oregano or dill.  Want a mojito?  You've got your mint!  Which reminds me, my husband makes kick-a$$ mojitos...but I digress.  I find myself purposely planning my foods around what fresh herb I'd like to use that day. 
Next up on my list to grow are salad greens.  I'd also like to attempt to grow tomatoes.  And the newest addition to the Aerogarden store is Fresh Tea!  I also want to grow flowers, or perhaps some lavender....maybe I need more than one Aerogarden (hint, hint)!

Overall, I do love my Aerogarden, but sometimes the yield isn't too high.  My basil and dill are flourishing, but the chives completely jumped ship very early on.  I was able to harvest them once.  The thyme and oregano are slightly finicky, but usually you only need a little in a recipe.  I give my Aerogarden a solid A!


  1. Wow Jen, I'm impressed with your little garden; Great looking herbs!

  2. I wondered if buying one of these things would be worth it... thanks for the review/heads up!

  3. Your post helped me make the decision to get mine--and I love it! Thanks for sharing!
