Friday, February 26, 2010

Wilton Course 1 Class 3 - Clowns and Flowers

In my 3rd Wilton class I learned how to make clowns and some flowers.  The clowns are actually pretty easy to make and you can pose them in a variety of positions.  You have to be careful to make their legs longer than their arms or they look like an octupus or an amputee.  Well, I failed.  One of them is both an octopus and an amputee!
Oops!  He's still cute anyway. 
We also learned how to make a few flowers.  I liked these best.

I need to work on my cake frosting skills.  My teacher said I probably made my frosting too thick, so I'll try a thinner one for the final cake.

I'm still not a fan of this frosting, but it's what we need for the class.  It's so greasy.  I have to make 2 batches for every class and it's such a mess. 

So next up, the Wilton Rose, sweet peas and leaves!  And it's the final cake from Course 1!

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