Friday, February 12, 2010

Wilton Cake Decorating Class 2

First, let me start by saying, "there's one in every class!"  We've got one of "those" people - that annoying person who interrupts the instructor, talks incessantly, and just makes everyone in the class roll their eyes.  I try not to let it bother me, but when the instructor is talking about the perfect frosting consistency and this lady is asking questions about when the next beadworking class will be, I want to hit her!  It's frustrating because we're all there to learn about cake decorating and the poor instructor can't get a word in edgewise.  In class 2, we're supposed to learn about pattern transfers, a few flowers and borders, and get started practicing on roses.  But instead, we listened to this woman brag about how she bought her supplies at Ocean State Job Lot and how she refused to make the Wilton Class Icing because it was just cheaper for her to buy a jar of Betty Crocker.  This class is not "Cake Decorating on a Budget!"

And on another note, AC Moore over-booked the class by 7 people and didn't order enough supplies.  I've been to the store 3 times now and still haven't been able to purchase everything I need for the class. I didn't have any icing color, so I had to borrow from someone.  And the instructor forgot to tell us to bring extra cups to mix colors in, so I was off to a bad start to begin with.  But I think I made do with what I had and my cake was pretty cute!

This is the kitty logo that I use for my Cat sitting business (Cat's Meow!).  I thought it would make a different cake, since most people in the class made rainbows.

Next week we're working on roses.

1 comment:

  1. nicely done! hope you can get the rest of your supplies soon.
