Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wilton Class 1

Last week was my first class of the Wilton Cake Decorating Series.  We didn't get to do any decorating of our own, but we discussed what supplies we'd need and what to expect from the class.  The class itself is cheap at $27 for the 4-week series, but what they don't tell you is how much you'll spend in supplies!  I've already spent about $40 and have probably only purchased about half of what I need.

For the 2nd class we have to come prepared with one cake already frosted with Wilton Class Decorator Icing and 3 bowls of different concistencies of icing: Stiff, Medium and Thin.

I have to say, the icing is pretty gross.  It's made with shortening.  It's not my thing, but I'll do it for class.

Here is the recipe:

1 Cup Crisco White Solid Shortening (1 stick, NOT butter flavored)
1 Teaspoon CLEAR flavoring of choice (no pure vanilla here!)
2 Tablespoons + 2 teaspoons of water
4 Cups (1-one pound box) Sifted DOMINO 10X Confectioners Sugar
1 Tablespoon Wilton Meringue Powder

Mix together with electric mixer - Crisco, flavoring and water.  Mix on low to medium speed to a creamy texture.  Gradually add sifted sugar (if you're using the Domino 10X, it is already sifted) and meringue powder.  Beat approximately one or 2 minutes or until all ingredients are incorporated and creamy.

This makes the STIFF Consistency - about 3 cups.  For MEDIUM consistency, add 1 teaspoon of water per cup, and for THIN, add an additional 2 teaspoons per cup.

I think this stuff is gross.  It leaves a layer of grease in your mouth.  But I guess it's the right consistency for the Wilton Classes.

So tomorrow, I decorate!

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